**A spoiler alert should be expected for every post, but book ratings will be published at the beginning in case my opinion of a book is of any value :D Not all opinions have to agree with mine, but negative/nasty comments will not be tolerated. Please enjoy the rantings of a reader...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Clockwork Prince

Rating: ***** -2 stars

Ouch! "Harsh," you may be thinking, but you don't know what Cassandra Clare did to me with this book. In a way, this book of hers was my inspiration for this blog, but at what price? Yes, what?! Well, I suppose it would be better of me to review book one of The Infernal Devices series, but why go through those heart-wrenching details that made me fall in love with Will Herondale in the first place? The story line is all well and interesting- intrigue and mystery, who or what is Tessa Gray, really? Her power, or talent if you will, is truly amazing and the need to know what the evil Magister wants from her is a very convincing reason to keep reading through the series. But the reason for such a low rating has nothing to do with the "infernal" plot. Remember the title to this blog? Yes well, that's what fantasy is all about really now isn't it. We leave our mundane reality for brief moments for an alternate reality that is sometimes brought to life through a movie! Sometimes to our disappointment, yet nonetheless we enjoy the illusion. Then what on earth possesses someone to write a perfectly good book with a completely crappy ending!? How could she do that to Will?! And Jem... JEM!! She could have at least helped me to fall in love with Jem more, made him more amiable and attractive than Will. Poor, tortured Will- you knew he was, which made your heart only yearn to be the one to at least help him, while trying not to fall helplessly in love with him in the process. Oh yes well, what about what he did to Tessa on the roof? All in all, I felt the tearing and ripping of souls and thought, oh... surely this sacrifice will eventually lead to the enjoyment of all and totally worth all of the miscommunication and misunderstanding and their love finally be triumphant.... what?.... she's engaged?!.... to Jem?!!! Will I read on to the next book? I don't think so... I can't see how she could possibly make things work out, maybe Will's little sister will distract him right out of ever thinking he was really in love with Tessa. Or maybe a new character will be introduced as Will's soon to be romance- we tend to be able to spot those things. OR maybe if she killed Jem off with his disease that he has, slowly dying anyway from the addictive drug he has to take for said disease. AND maybe Jem's dying wish is that the new and improved Will, a now "un-cursed" and happy Will, will promise to take care of Tessa. Boo! That doesn't scream love, it stinks of entrapment and underlying betrayal of everyone's feelings. She'll probably have Will continue to be a mixed up jumble of emotion and exhaustive rendezvous with a confused Tessa who is in love with... OH NO! BOTH OF THEM? No thank you!! Yeah, I don't think I'll read on to find out what happens to my poor Will. Maybe one of you will update me in the future and I'll repent of my impatience. However, this book definitely does NOT make the Happily Ever After list :((((((

An introduction of sorts...

Ever been completely enthralled by words on paper? Ever seriously considered naming your child or marrying someone with the name of the main character of your favorite story? Has your heart been turned inside out by the drama between the covers... of a book?! I am a stay-at-home mom of 4, with very precious little time on my hands to devote to reading. And to top it off, I'm pregnant at the creation of this blog, so for now most posts will be infused with the emotions of a raving, sleep-deprived lunatic who may or may not have just enjoyed a book.